portfolios > installations > gillette children's specialty healthcare

Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare

St. Paul, MN

The Children's hospital outfitted the lobby and 10 examination/hospital bed rooms with ceiling mounted artworks that gently change from a brightly colorful view to a lighter image with silhouettes.  It's a peaceful and attention-absorbing image right above where children lay for examinations or when hospitalized.

Client: Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare

Description/Materials: 10 Polage art double panels in liquid crystal light boxes.

Size: 13” each Polage in sets of two

Special Features: Installed inside the existing fluorescent light fixtures over patient tables

Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare, Lobby

This kinetic polage art imagery slowly changes as you watch it.

Another view of the polage art in the ceiling.

photo credit: BWBR